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New Money Consciousness/New Money Consciousness /Pt #2 - Enlightened Entrepreneur's Positive Unfair Advantage

Pt #2 - Enlightened Entrepreneur's Positive Unfair Advantage

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

"Intensity of purpose is responsible for lifting you from the world of mediocrity into the pulsing world of higher consciousness."
~ The Daily Synchronotron Reading

Enlightenment is a complex topic, here are three key lessons to consider:

1. Enlightenment is a state of being that can be achieved through coherent meditation, consistent self-reflection, and conscious detachment from the material world. It is a knowing in your reason for being, that all of your constructive desires, requirements and requests are invincibly fulfilled.

2. It involves a deep understanding of the total interconnectedness of all things and the realization that the self is not separate from the universe. Oneness is the character and condition or state of all cosmic creation.

3. While enlightenment is often associated with Eastern religions, it is a universal cosmic concept that can be pursued by anyone, regardless of their background or beliefs.  It occurs as 5th dimensional downloads to the 4th, radiating streams of consciousness informing the 3rd dimension. 

Remember: Ultimately, what brings enlightenment is subjective and can vary from person to person.  Explore the Path!

Keep Spiraling Up Part #2:

The Seven Behavior Categories of The Enlightened Entrepreneur

The Enlightened Entrepreneur's Positive *Unfair Advantage (EEPUA) *Seemingly unfair to those unwilling to evolve from 3rd dimensional behavior into 4th Dimensional Beingness.

In Part #1 we began our journey with 3 of the 7 Day-Lights (plasmas) one for each day. Here we complete the outline with the remaining 4 Day-Lights (plasmas)

( Here's the link in case you missed Part #1... Click here )

  • Kali: These are the actual ten stages of the Enlightened Entrepreneur.
  • Alpha: These are the meditative powers or creative "samadhi" of the accomplished Enlightened Entrepreneur.
  • ​​Limi: These are divine powers granted to the Enlightened Entrepreneur owing to supreme exertion and purity of intentions.
  • ​​Silio: These ten categories define the Enlightened Entrepreneur’s code of behavior while operating in the third dimension physical plane of reality.

⚛️Question for Contemplation:
Have you ever heard of the dedication and behavior of the Bodhisattva?

This is one who totally dedicates her/his life to the enlightenment of all beings. This daily practice according to the daily-plasmas of the week is for the purpose of shedding the self-importance of the ego and discipline the Mind... To accomplish her/his Calling

             🟩 Our Weekly Action Bonus Video is Below.

In the next blog post we'll begin with the first "Day-Light Plasma"
Dali: Throne Days 1, 8, 15, 22 
Awakening and Cultivating the seed of enlightenment present in all beings.
🌞 The 10 Abodes for Clear Seeing.
Keep your eyes peeled on your inbox or social media.

Mechanical & Practical  

Your (EMP) Electro-Magnetic Pulse

Must-do. Enlightened Entrepreneurs spread their messages in... Peace, Love, Light, Happiness, Forgiveness and Thankful Gratitude.

EMP: Electro-Magnetic Pulse is HOW we use Now-Time effective tools (unless and until we are all telepathic 🤩).
1. Webhubs (not sites), Specific types of Funnels and                   Proven Frameworks
2. Sharing in universal communication tones that:
     🟣 Inspire Fun   
     🟣 Inform Naturally
     🟣 Teach Frameworks
3.   Web 3: The Cyber-Power of Finance
       Future Proofing Your Income and Profits

🟩 Attract those YOU are Called to Serve from your
     Creative Heart Mind and Soul

Spiral Up Your Business

In this section we address the the outer world activities. 


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Multi-Dimensional Entrepreneur 

I love being at the forefront of change it's where I'm most comfortable.
It's magik!

4th Dimensional Hints:
1 - There is a shift away from everything you believe about how things come to you.

2 - An acceptance and allowing, a detachment from the "how it happens" must become the "new normal".

3 - You have a greater advantage in the times we live in now because the reality on the whole planet has shifted.

4 - The Love motive attracts.
Allow the resources to flow in through whosoever is inspired with a willing heart to help.

5 - You are using your "I Am" Power at every moment as a divine emanation of the One Infinite Creator.
Chose wisely in every now moment.